Sunday, July 14, 2019

Community of Inquiry (CoI) elements and Technology Tools Usage in a Blended Course

Image result for blended learning

Blended learning is a combination of two or more methods of learning such as face-to-face learning and online learning (Federation University, 2018). In designing a blended course focus should not be placed solely on the use of technology to facilitate learning but rather on the possibilities which technology offers. Technology should be merged and consolidated with face-to-face and online learning for a blended course to be effective (Garrison, 2009). To help with the success of a blended course when designing it a framework should be used. A framework for course design is a model which had been researched and tested: it allows teachers to line up the course’s learning goals with teaching and learning activities, and assessment in the teaching/learning environment (physical classroom or a virtual classroom) to ensure that learning takes place (Yale University, 2019). In designing a blended course the framework which should be used is the Community of Inquiry (COI).
Image result for community of inquiry
Image retrieved from

The CoI framework presents a process through which collaborative and constructive learning experiences can happen. CoI which places an emphasis on communication has three essential elements which overlap and affect each other and ultimately learning: social presence, cognitive presence, and teaching presence (Garrison & Akyol, 2012).
  • Social Presence: is the aptitude of learners in the CoI to be able to show others in the community that they are “real people”. Social presence does not mean that learners are there for just socializing with each other, but to express themselves, give their ideas and have any queries and concerns be addressed in a very supportive environment. This can only happen when there is candid communication (Garrison & Akyol, 2012). 
  • Cognitive Presence: is the main part of a CoI. It is the element in which learners constantly think and have discussions with other members of the CoI so that they can create and verify meanings about course content (Garrison & Akyol, 2012).
  • Teaching Presence: is “the design, facilitation and direction of cognitive and social processes for the purpose of realizing personally meaningful and educationally worthwhile learning outcomes” (Anderson, Rourke, Garrison, & Archer, 2001, p. 5). Teaching presence is not only felt during the period of time when a course takes place but it starts way before when the teacher designs, plans and prepares the course content and materials for use during the course. (Anderson, Rourke, Garrison, & Archer, 2001, p. 5) or even outside of scheduled class times.  Teaching presence is what brings together social and cognitive presence to ensure the attainment learning outcomes and objectives.
In this age of technology when developing courses most literature seems to suggest that the CoI framework can only be used in an online environment. However, it can also be used in a blended learning environment because as stated previously the blended learning environment is a combination of online learning and face-to-face learning.
One technology tool which can be used in blended learning is the Learning Management System (LMS). LMS is software which allows for the virtual storage of huge amounts of information which can be posted and tracked. This means that information by both instructors and learners can be accessed from anywhere and anytime once there is an internet connection (Pappas, 2017). An example of a LMS which is presently used is myeLearning by the University of the West Indies (UWI) St. Augustine. MyeLearning is a cloud based LMS which does not require the installation of software: All that is needed is a username and password to gain access.
In a blended course while teaching and learning may take place in a face-to-face setting, using a LMS such as myeLearning can have many benefits such as:
  • Course materials like syllabi, lecture recordings (blackboard collaborate - BBC), power point presentations, pdf documents, videos, podcasts, links to other online resources; and even assignments and grades can be posted and accessed online (St. Lawrence University, n.d.).
  • The facilitation of online discussions. This can happen synchronously (participants presence required at the same time) in the form or audio or video-conferencing where all three elements of the CoI (social, cognitive, and teacher) are present: the teacher during a lecture session can ask learners questions which requires their views at the same time; openly learners can give their views according their understanding; and then the teacher (and even other learner) can correct or add to what is being said (St. Lawrence University, n.d.). Asynchronously (participants presence not required at the same time) learners can be required to make contributions to threaded discussions. Learners can post their thoughts and views on certain topics and other learners can respond to those who have posted before or even post their own contributions. The teacher can also respond to these discussions, thereby showing the interaction of all three CoI elements.  The thread of these discussions will be available for all participants to follow and review (Anderson, 2018).
  • Integration of social media. Social media presence and usage can be developed within a LMS when blended courses requires that learners do assignments like creating videos using programmes such as Screen-o-matic and then uploading those videos on YouTube. Learners can also post their videos on their blogs, facebook, twitter, or even instagram. All in all, the teacher uses the LMS to post the instructions as to what the learners are required to do (Anderson, 2018).

As we progress into the future and new technologies are developed or old technologies are enhanced, instructors will be faced with the task of trying to incorporate their use when developing and/or revising curriculum and courses.

Now to sum it all up please take a look at the following video:

Video retrieved from

Anderson, T. (2018). How Communities of Inquiry Drive Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age. Retrieved from
Anderson, T., Rourke, L., Garrison, D. R., & Archer, W. (2001). Assessing Teacher Presence in a Computer Conferencing Context. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 5(2), 1- 17. Retrieved from
Federation University. (2018). Delivery modes for learning. Retrieved from
Garrison, D. R. (2009). Blended Learning as a Transformative Design Approach. In P. L. Rogers, G. A Berg & J. V. Boettecher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Distance Learning, Second Edition (pp 200-201). Retrieved from
Garrison, D. R., & Akyol, Z. (2012). The Community of Inquiry Theoretical Framework. Retrieved from
Pappas, C. (2017). What Is A Learning Management System? LMS Basic Functions And Features You Must Know. Retrieved from
St. Lawrence University. (n.d.). Technology Tools for Online, Hybrid, and Blended Instruction. Retrieved from
Yale University. (2019). Teaching and Learning Frameworks. Retrieved from 


  1. Hey Rajdaye.
    Nicely put and I was able to follow it smoothly.
    You made a very important point that stuck out to me and it was further emphasized throughout your writing - Communication. It is a foundation or a guiding principle in the components of COI.
    Communication is essential to learning and an important part of it that is often neglected is feedback. This actual encapsulates the entire framework of COI because for educators to ensure their cognitive, social and teaching presence, there is a great degree of "effective communication" that is needed.
    One question I'd like to ask you though: as an upcoming educator, Which of the online mode that you mentioned in your write up, do you think can be beneficial for final year nursing students?

  2. Hi Terrence,
    Thanks for your comment and question as well. Firstly before I can say which mode can be most beneficial to final year nursing students, I will have to do an assessment and get to know my students to know where exactly their social and cognitive presence level is at. However, taking into consideration which level these nursing students should be at, I would say that a blended approach with facilitated online discussion might be most appropriate. This can be done synchronously where all participants can be engaged and all elements of the CoI can be integrated at the same time. If done asynchronously, students can be given the opportunity to think and gather their thoughts before responding. Nevertheless, in the clinical environment as nurses we are not always given lengthy periods of time to think and have to know how to respond almost immediately to certain situations. This is where the synchronous discussions can help these final year nursing students. This is not to say that the usage of other forms of technology cannot be employed as well.

  3. Very well said.
    I can see that you've really using the different elements of teaching to ensure the best outcomes. And it was perfectly stated, you'll "assess" your students.
    Given the level of the students, I like the approach that you'd take, it will assist students to develop good critical thinking skills. Also, have them being involved will prepare them for daily challenges and events that they will soon be faced with in the world of work.
    Good job.

    1. Excuse my typo "You're really using..." not "you've"

  4. Thank You!! Your comments are much appreciated. And I am really enjoying this discussion.

  5. Hello Rajdaye

    A well articulated discussion you came up. I strongly agree and like the fact where you stated that learners can post their thoughts and views on certain topics and other learners can respond to those who have posted before or even post their own contributions. The teacher can also respond to these discussions, thereby showing the interaction of all three CoI elements. As currently we are experiencing these and a lot learning does takes place from each other. I hope we will continue to use these as future educators.

    Thank You

  6. Hi Rajdaye, good write up. You spoke about the framework so well as it applies to the blended learning environment. As you mentioned the importance of the cognitive presence of the students being significant. In addition you extended the points as you introduced other learning management systems. Well done. Regards Tessa.
